A downloadable game for Windows

You're a whale controlling machinery via telekinesis

Assemble modular helicopters to operate cranes to dock submarines on off-road vehicles to attach to a ROCKET on a convoy to the MOON. You're not filthy DOLPHINS, you no longer swim NAKED in the SEA. fool. you are a WHALE. ACT LIKE ONE.



Swing sword/Hammer/NetRight/Left Mouse Button
Helicopter ascend/descendQ/E
Crane movement on Horizontal TracksWSAD 
Crane movement on vertical tracksQE
Toggle crane track movement 
versus rotation and crane arm movement
Crane rotationAD
Crane arm up downWS
Crane cable up downQE
Crane arm extend retractZC
When crane magnet has target use to pickup target
and when crane drop off zone is green use to drop off held item in zone, otherwise drop item
exit crane when not in crane arm control stateF
Quit GameEsc

How to Play

  • Since this is an early gameplay loop there is no tutorialization yet
  • Inhabit Grob suits or helicopters, by getting close to the suit and pressing 'F'
  • Pick up swords, hammers, eggs, and nets, while you're in the Grob suit by pressing 'F' near the item. 
  • Smashing eggs with the hammer gets you butterflies you catch with the net
  • smashing the orange worms with the hammer frees them, and you need the musical horns thingy to make them follow you. you take them to the vulture to eat and you get more eggs
  • take butterflies in the net, and swing the net on the blender to blend butterflies and get orbs
  • deposit orbs, or eggs, on orb stands
  • in this current example gameloop you aren't actually gated from using an object or item if you haven't deposited the required resources. I did this so it was easier to test and for people to check out what the gameloop offers multiple times without redoing everything all the time. obviously in a full game there would be resource gates where you have to gather stuff before you can use the gated suits or items
  • have fun!


  • this build is an early example gameplay loop, so there are unpolished and unfinished aspects
  • I get ~130 fps when things are going well but it can go down to 30fps when a physics object gets stuck inside itself or another object. Average is ~70fps.
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
TagsFunny, Physics, whales


grobling-windows-prototype.zip 325 MB
Version 1 3 days ago

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